Saturday, December 13, 2008

Welcome to our Kronos blog!

Welcome to our new blog. The Improvizations team of Kronos Implementation experts is going to use this medium to post random thoughts, ideas, questions and answers that just don't seem to fit in either our Yahoogroups (Kronos-Fans & PeopleSoft-Fans) or our monthly eZine "Kronos-Fans TNT (Tips and Techniques newsletter.)

Saying that makes me realize this would be a good time to define the various medium that Improvizations uses to communicate to the Kronos and PeopleSoft world.

1) Kronos-Fans : This is a Yahoogroup setup originally to assist our team and our clients with overall communication and support. Over time it grew too much and we opened it up to anyone. Topics include support of Workforce Timekeeper, Kronos HR-Payroll, all the Scheduling products and more. The group is moderated by Improv staff and group members and currently has almost 1000 members.

2) PeopleSoft-Fans: This is our original Yahoogroup setup for the same reasons as Kronos-Fans. With almost 10,000 members and hundreds of messages per month this is the premier location on the web for PeopleSoft support.

3) Kronos-Fans TNT: This is our brand new Tips and Techniques newsletter/eZine. This product has been created to provide tips and techniques for both Kronos and PeopleSoft products. In addition it will have articles on various topics of interest to everyone, including non technical, non product related goodies. One can subscribe via RSS and post comments on the site in response to articles. We hope to have many guest authors just like in the old days with the eZine.

4) Improv-Fans Weekend Update: This Blog. I want to open this up to the random musings of my trusted group of Kronos experts. I'm not limiting or controlling their posts in any way so you'll probably find some cool Windows tools here along side code to do the unbelievable in Kronos.

Please feel free to add comments to specific posts or even generic ones to help direct our future communication strategy. This stuff is all here for you.

Bryan deSilva
Founder, Improvizations & the Improv-Fans groups