What type of best practices do you follow today to make yourself memorable? How many recruiters know and remember you personally? How many hiring managers think of your name when they have a question or better yet – an open position? Do you have to start from scratch every time your contract ends? Or if you are laid off?
I remember an IT Project Manager that I interviewed once. Why do I remember him in particular? Because he is the best networker I have ever met, bar none. Once we met personally, I became part of his network. He periodically sends out emails to his network with updates about his current job, job openings that he knows, or – when he was laid off – about his job search. He asks for help when he needs it and offers help when he can. He's the first guy I call when I'm looking for a certain skillset or if I come across a position he might want to know about. Now THAT’S the kind of network you want to have.
Those of you who read this blog and are part of Kronos-fans already have a built-in network. Are you using it? Here are a few quick networking tips that I hope you find helpful. As always on our blog, comments and questions are welcome!
- It takes a long time to build effective professional relationships. Start now.
- Find the people who know lots of other people. I don’t need to know 50 Kronos programmers – I need to know 2 or 3 excellent Kronos programmers. They know (and can refer) everyone else to me.
- Stay in touch with people you like and respect even if they can't help you immediately. Don’t let the next time they hear from you again be when you desperately need something.
- Have business cards and give them out. If you have a specialty or a niche, make sure it’s on your card. And yes, it IS worth the extra few dollars to make sure your card stands out. For example, if I’m at a networking event, I may come home with 20 or 30 new business cards. The card that says “John Doe, specializing in Kronos Time and Attendance installations” is the one I’ll remember.
- Be consistent. Sending out one email won’t get the same results as sending out a monthly or quarterly status email. Attending an industry networking meeting once won’t get you the same recognition factor as showing up for several meetings.
- Join networking clubs and/or associations related to your job and volunteer so you can establish yourself as a subject matter expert. Can you write a column, prepare a presentation?
- Join linked in . It’s an easy way to stay in touch as well as a great place to find groups related to your career. I have one good friend who now recruits exclusively using his linked in network.
- Set aside dedicated time each week to maintaining your network. It might only take an hour every Friday afternoon but the long-term results are worth it.
- And remember, if it were easy EVERYONE would do it. I won’t lie. It’s not always easy. It will take time, persistence and dedication. Nevertheless, in this uncertain economy the strength of your network might make the difference between being employed or being between contracts/jobs for a very long time.